Dairy-free Nut Milk Guide

Making your own nut milk is both easy and satisfying. Nut milk can be made from virtually any nut,  yielding delicious + nutritious dairy alternatives. 

W H Y  N U T  M I L K S ?

They are perfect for those who...

  • Are lactose sensitive / intolerant  (have trouble digesting the sugar found in dairy milk known as lactose, due to the lack of the enzyme lactase)
  • Are allergic to cow's milk (allergic to milk protein, caesin) 
  • Choose to lay off animal products due to ethical reasons 
  • Simply just want an alternative to dairy milks! (Why not?)

W H A T  A B O U T  M Y  C A L C I U M ?

Contrary to popular belief, milk is not the only source of calcium, or vitamin D for that matter. You can obtain calcium from dark leafy vegetables i.e. collard greens, broccoli, okra but N O T  S P I N A C H guys! Oxalates found in spinach binds to the calcium it originally has to offer, prohibiting calcium absorption in our bodies.

Sesame seeds are also a good source of calcium, with a quarter cup providing you more calcium than  a glass of milk (full-fat, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk). It's crazy what those little guys can offer! 

P R O T E I N  &  V I T A M I N D

Nut milks also have less protein and vitamin D than dairy milk.  Nuts are high in protein, but when made into milk, what you are consuming is mostly water. Obtain your protein from other sources: think legumes, pulses, including beans, lentils and peas. On the other hand, our body produces vitamin D via sunlight. Evidence shows 10 - 15 mins a day under the sun is sufficient for a fair-skinned person, whereas if you have darker skin, enjoy the sun a bit more. It has also been suggested that the most effective time of day for vitamin D production is from 11am to 3pm. Don't forget your SPF!

H O M E M A D E  A L M O N D   M I L K   R E C I P E

I n g r e d i e n t s

  • 1 cup of soaked almonds (minimum of 4 hours, best overnight)
  • 3 cups of filtered water
  • Sweetener of own choice (optional)
  • Pinch of salt (optional)

E q u i p m e n t

  • Blender
  • Nut milk bag
  • Strainer
  1. Strain and wash soaked almonds.
  2. Blend water and clean nuts at high speed until thoroughly blended.
  3. Squeeze all liquid out with a nut milk bag.
  4. Add in salt and/or sweetener if desired.

Keep milk refrigerated in an air tight container for 3 - 4 days. Don't panic when milk separates, that's because no additives are used in this recipe, we only want the good stuff! Give it a shake and everything's okay.

A L M O N D  F L O U R

It's not the same as almond meal, don't confuse them! Almond flour is made from dehydrating the pulp left from making almond milk. Almond meal is made from blending DRY almonds into flour-form, retaining all of the fat from almonds. Almond meal has a higher fat content than almond flour!

Spread the almond pump onto a dehydrator sheet, and place in dehydrator until dry. Store the flour in the fridge for it to stay fresh. Use flour for gluten-free baking or other recipes. No wastage here!

Leftover almond pulp, ready to be dehydrated! 

Leftover almond pulp, ready to be dehydrated! 

Hope you enjoyed this post. Please share your stories on making nut milks or your thoughts on it!


tee xo


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